Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Can You Ever REALLY Guess Who?

You wouldn't guess it from looking at me.
And you couldn't know it if you don't know me.
You can't even hear if I'm lying when you can't hear my voice.
You only have the words you read to take as fact.
Online, I can claim to be anyone.

You wouldn't know it- But I'm considered a relationship expert.
And you couldn't know that I make about 50 dollars a week just on advice.
But if you saw me where I'm listed, you would take my advice as sound.
You would read what people consider make me qualified to give advice.
And all of it's true, although there are no degrees.

But I could have claimed to have my Psychology degree, and years of practice. I could have claimed to have written books on the subject. But would anyone really know? Would anyone double check?

With the personas you can create on the internet, you really need check your sources, you can't take anything as fact. Everything that people read seems to be widely accepted.

In fact, the only place people seem to acknowledge this is online dating. Apparently there everyone is lying; but you can trust everyone you pay to get relationship (or psychic or medical) help from. 

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