Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Will You Be My Valentine?

Okay; Yes, I'm one of the many people who dislike this holiday. Call me a hipster, call me a cynic, I really don't care. Do I think it's commercialized? Yes. Do I think it normally leads to disappointment? Yes. Do I think it makes single people miserable? Yes.

Is that why I hate it? No.

This is the first year since I was a Feshman in High School that I haven't been in a relationship or seeing someone when Valentines Day rolled around. I have hated it all that time, so no, this isn't a "boo-who I'm single rant."

What is Valentines Day to you really? "It's a day we show how much we love-" SHUT UP! It's nothing to you. It's a day plucked on the calender TELLING you to show the person you love how you feel.

You know what- You love them, that's great. Show them a day you love them, because you feel how much you love them- Not because the calender tells you to. Do something nice because it's Valentines Day-Meh- it'll probably be under appreciated anyway. Do it because it's a personal anniversary that you remembered- aww how sweet. Do it for no reason at all? Just because you care? YOU'RE A GOD. You'll earn so many "points" it's ridiculous.

If you love someone- show them because you want to. Not because you have to.

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