Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Slinging Along

I'm starting off to a rough start this semester.

After dislocating my arm after the first day of school, and rearranging most of my schedule for this semester I'm finding myself close to 4 weeks behind in work. I'm down to one arm when I really need about five just to get caught up with all my classes.

I've even had a teacher tell me that there was no fathomable way I could get caught up and be successful in their class; they were really reluctant to even let me try. But this being my last semester, I'm not about to quit. 

To prove this particular teacher wrong, I've decided that not only will I get caught up and do well in their class, but my ultimate goal is going to be to make Deans List this semester. Hopefully writing it out here will keep me slinging along (in my sling =D) and motivated.

Today marks one week since my arms been reset most recently, it's happened 2 additional times since the accident, and it's believed that I'm now going to be in the home stretch of my recovery. Starting Monday, I can begin physical therapy and be back on my way to having both arms again.  

The Downside To Being In A Sling: 
-Putting contact lenses in is nearly impossible.
-I can only wear button up shirts.
-I can't put my own hair in a pony tail. 
-I can't work (I coach gymnastics).
-Basically every single day is altered to prevent re-dislocation. 

The Upside To Being In A Sling:
-People are, in general, a lot nicer. (Opening doors, asking if I need help)
-I have a whole new appreciation for my left arm. Most of the things I use it for I never thought twice about. 

Hopefully by next Monday I'll be out of the sling except for the days that it's really painful =). 

1 comment:

  1. I will survive, I will survive, so long as I know how to love I know ill stay alive.

    not really sure if that's what the lyrics are, but,

    im a survivor im going to make it, im going to try harder keep on surviving.

    I hope you knew that one.

    Anyway, Keep pushing forward!
